< Apps

Forensic Fact App


Investigative Sciences (Forensics)

Forensics Fact App


Investigative Sciences (Forensics)

This is the first app I made for my Forensics class. This app randomly displays a forensic fact when the red button is clicked. After so many facts have been called, a function runs to deturmine if the end scene is called The user can continue to click the button for facts until the function outputs the end sequence. The end scene is a screen with a gun that makes gun shot noises. You can click the "oops.." button to play again

The facts range from actual facts - "Every gun leaves unique striations on the bullets they fire - to silly ones - "Having the blood of someone else on your clothes makes you suspicious"

app screenshot: shows the first screen, says 'Click for a forensics Fact!' and has a red button that says 'Click' app screenshot: shows the 'Click for a Forensic Fact!' and red 'Click' button, but also has a fact that reads 'Every gun leaves unique striations on the bullets they fire'. app screenshot: shows the end screen. It says 'You know too much' and has a gun pointed at the screen. Red button says 'oops'

apk (for android device)

aia (for AppInventor)